

Xero’s Amazing Third-Party Apps

Xero’s Amazing Third-Party Apps Xero’s API (Application Programming Interface) allows all apps in the app store to connect directly with Xero. This means that financial data can now flow seamlessly between your apps and Xero, helping you to keep all the business information up-to-date. Its wide range of add-ons and apps can assist your company […]

What is Cloud Accounting? – Xero Accounting Software

What is Cloud Accounting? Cloud accounting allows accountant to be able to gain access to business intelligence on real-time at anywhere and anytime of the day. It allows a company to access applications from an offsite provider via the internet, rather than from company-owned and maintained hardware and software. This means that you can access […]


Xero会计软件及其优势 作为Xero的注册顾问,FidCorp服务私人有限公司提供Xero云会计软件,以帮助我们的重要客户实现他们的簿记和会计需求。从初创企业到中小企业,Xero帮助企业提高后台工作效率,并生成一致的财务报告。 Xero及其好处 简而言之,作为一站式云会计软件,Xero帮助企业所有者: a.自动化他们的日常簿记任务; b.实现无纸化,将您的收据和供应商发票安全地存储在云端; c.创建报表模板; d.生成发票和发票提醒; e.进口银行交易; f .管理工资;和 g.自动跟踪多种货币的损益;和 h.使用Xero手机app,随时随地方便获取最新财务信息 Xero可以与其他第三方应用程序集成,执行各种业务功能,如CRM、会计、工资、库存、电子商务和支付。只要点击一下,你就可以在一个平台上读取所有的信息。   与Xero整合 通过与Xero的整合,FidCorp可以无缝地帮助管理您所有的会计和备案需求,同时保持合规。作为Xero的银奖合作伙伴,FidCorp紧跟行业最新发展和软件特性,以确保您的业务流程保持高效。 我们可以帮助您将现用的会计软件中的现有数据迁移到Xero。作为一名Xero迁移专家,我们的员工将能够帮助我们的客户轻松地使用Xero。 我们的注册会计师还为Xero提供培训和技术支持,以确保我们的客户能够有一个无缝的设置过程,并能够立即开始运营。我们经过Xero-advisor认证的员工都具备Xero的知识,并将很乐意指导您一步一步地完成这个过程。 综上所述,Xero会计软件是一款用户友好、性价比高的软件。它有一个在线支持(Xero Central),在需要时可以找到支持你的所有资源。Xero还允许你注册无限数量的用户! 有了Xero,企业所有者将不必在日常和乏味的任务上担心太多,可以花更多的时间专注于业务增长! 欢迎咨询我们,了解更多关于Xero的信息! 快收藏一份,随时翻阅

Xero Accounting Software & its Benefits

Xero Accounting Software & its Benefits As a Xero’s Certified Advisor, FidCorp Services Private Limited presents Xero Cloud Accounting Software to assist our valued clients with their bookkeeping and accounting needs. From Start-Ups companies to Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Xero helps businesses to improve their back-office productivity as well as generate consistent financial reports. Xero […]
